
118 num. Bll., 1 nn. Bl. mit 2 wdh. Druckermarken in Holzschnitt. 12°. HLdr. des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts (etw. bestoßen und beschabt).


Erste Ausgabe, selten. - STC 459. - "Nel 1555 scrisse un?operetta antierasmiana, i Tre testimoni fedeli [?] Basilio Cipriano Ireneo (Pesaro, Bartolomeo Cesano)" ( - "Girolamo Muzio (1496 - 1576) ... a native of Padua who spent his life at a series of north Italian court. His publications include several volumes of poems, controversial treatises attacking Protestantism, and a treatise on the Italian language (Battaglie per la difesa dell`italica lingua). In a treatise published in 1566 (Discorso sopra il concilio che si ha da fare, e sopra la unioned`Italia) he advocated the political unification of Italyand so became a remote progenitor of the Risorgimento" (Gordon Campbell, The Oxford dictionary of the Renaissance. (Oxford 2003). S. 548). - Titel mit hs. Besitzvermerken. Letzte Bll. verso mit hs. Nummer in Kugelschreiber. Etw. fleckig und leicht gebräunt.