
89 S. ; viele Illustr.; 28 cm; kart.


Gutes Ex. - Englisch und italienisch. // ... Kurator der 53. Biennale 2009 war Daniel Birnbaum, der schwedische Kunsthistoriker und damalige Leiter der Staatlichen Hochschule für Bildende Künste (Städelschule) in Frankfurt am Main. Die 53. Ausgabe fand vom 7. Juni bis 22. November 2009 und 77 Ländern mit eigenen Pavillons statt, darunter erstmals gemeinsam Israel und der Iran. Die Schau mit 90 Künstlern stand unter dem Motto ?Making Worlds? (Weltenmachen). // ... Amid the cacophony of bewilderingly fast-paced changes, it is still possible to touch a particular rhythm of Egyptian life-a consistent steady pulse that links the present moment to the past that stands behind it. This Egyptian rhythm combines the new and the imported with the monumental stillness of the inherited past and its uninterrupted, decisive presence. It is a web of attachment that strings events, dates, beings, and signs into an astonishing succession of transparent layers. These works spring from the heart of the everyday life of Egyptians, from the spirit of place, and from the movement of people and things in Egyptian cities, a movement that always blends the spirit of the moment with the echo it conceals. These weightless, broad tapestries are everyday monuments, the product of interlocking circuits, hybrid yet authentically original all the same. Adel El Siwi (S. 7)