
Ca. 170 S. Illustrationen; 8°.


Gutes Ex.; eine Ecke d. Einbands gering bestoßen. - Englisch. - Auflage : 400 / Impressum vom Künstler SIGNIERT und mit kleiner Zeichnung versehen. // "When in Providence - 1985, after 20 years - I met Bill again. He showed me this sketchbook, and a few days later I was looking at a pile of them. He had accumulated in those years, in perfect modesty to me, these signs of intense but private visual activity. I became somewhat enviously exited, and as I am often if not constantly an avid publisher - mostly (and understandably?) of myself - , I felt for Bill some of my publishing greed. I proposed to get one of the sketchbooks printed and to bring it out, into the open. The idea was twofold: More people than a few friends would like to look at these picture books if they could get hold of them; and others besides me would feel moved by this dreamlike show of drawings, put on stage intensely and concisely. So here is the book. Some other publisher - independent of business considerations or not as hopelessly embroiled in his own picture making as I am in mine - might take over here. Thus, for an even greater number of readers, Bill Newkirk's sketchbooks would unfold as far and as wide as I wish them to do." / Bala, Mosfellssveit April 19th 1988 Dieter Roth. // Karl-Dietrich Roth (* 21. April 1930 in Hannover; ? 5. Juni 1998 in Basel) war ein Schweizer Dichter, Grafiker und intermedial arbeitender Aktions- und Objektkünstler deutscher Abstammung. Er gilt als Vertreter der Konkreten Poesie. Als Künstler signierte er zeitweise als Diter Rot, mit frei erfundenen anderen Namen und einfach als Dieter Roth.