
128 S.; illustriert; gr.-8°. Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag.


Sehr gutes Ex. - Reich illustriert; Fotoband. - Mit WIDMUNG von Paul M. Lützeler an Eberhard Lämmert (* 20. September 1924 in Bonn; ? 3. Mai 2015 in Berlin - deutscher Germanist und Komparatist). // Paul Michael Lützeler (* 4. November 1943 in Doveren, damals Kreis Erkelenz) ist ein deutsch-amerikanischer Germanist und Vergleichender Literaturwissenschaftler. Er lehrt als Rosa May Distinguished University Professor in the Humanities an der Washington University in St. Louis. // Abbildungen : Ivy on the Mississippi: commemorative plaque, Brookings Hall. -- Ridgley Hall: a morning for contemplation. -- Detail of Brookings Hall: east front. -- Study in sunshine: Ridgley colonnade. -- An early walk in Oak Alley. -- Ivy surrounds a gothic window at January Hall. -- Brookings Hall tower. -- Historic Francis Field Gate frames another sunset. -- Jogging to the steps of Brookings Hall. -- Required reading at Brown Hall Lounge. -- Baroque cherubs and festoons detail Ridgley Hall. -- East lawn, Brookings Hall. -- Study outside Olin Library: Barbara Hepworth's sculpture "Archaeon." -- The underpass on Forsyth Boulevard: a place for colorful messages. -- A warm welcome from the Sig Eps: the underpass. -- A message from Jodie: the underpass. -- Coming and going: classes change at January Hall. -- Blossoms on the South Forty. -- Oceans and sky meet at the Margaret Talbott Thomas Fountain and the Washington University Observator -- An open book at Ridgley Hall. -- Under the ginkgos. -- Gothic symmetry at McMillan Hall archway. -- Thurteen Carnival. -- A kick from the corner of the Law School field. -- A striking reflection of early spring near McMillan Hall. -- Olin Library's geometric abstractions. -- Another exercise in form: modern dance in the Mallinckrodt Center. -- Knowledge accumulated. -- Historic brass doorknob in Brookings Hall. -- Getting a leg up in the Law Library. -- The Seeley G. Mudd Law Building at sunset. -- January Hall. -- Homecoming pyrotechnics framed by the Brooking's Arch. -- The Brookings tower from Skinker Boulevard. -- The simplicity of Umrath's chimneys disguise the Chapel towers. -- Engineering students survey the scene. -- A rare moment of solitude in Bowles Plaza. -- Some moot conversation in the Law School Lounge. -- The natural and man-made building blocks of Umrath Hall. -- A mute sentinel keeps watch from Graham Chapel. -- Homecoming celebration in Bowles Plaza. -- Ridgleys Roman arches redux. -- A Graham Chapel tower welcomes a new season. -- Morning mist over Forest Park. -- Ridgley Hall arches. -- At the end of the stacks in Olin Library. -- The Clinical Sciences Research Building. -- Following a well marked path. -- Ridgley Hall. -- Integral calculus in Cupples. -- McMillan Hall reflects its Cambridge heritage. -- A sociable griffin at the Gargoyle Coffeehouse. -- Heikki Seppa's "The Search" embraces the Chapel's towers // u.a.m.