
XII; 260 S., Kt. Originalleinen.


Einband berieben, Seiten etwas gebräunt. - not opened / unaufgeschnitten. - "(Mrs. Sidney Webb)". - CHAPTER I THE CO-OPERATIVE IDEA - CHAPTER II THE SPIRIT OF ASSOCIATION - CHAPTER III THE STORE - CHAPTER IV FEDERATION - CHAPTER V ASSOCIATION OF PRODUCERS - CHAPTER VI A STATE WITHIN A STATE - CHAPTER VII THE IDEAL AND THE FACT - CHAPTER VIII CONCLUSION - APPENDIX - I--CLASSIFIED TABLES OF ASSOCIATIONS OF PRODUCERS - II-EXTRACT FROM LETTER FROM D F SCHLOSS III-TABLE OF PERCENTAGES OF CO-OPERATIVE SALES PER HUNDRED OF POPULATION, WORKED OUT IN VARIOUS COUNTIES AND PARLIAMENTARY DIVISIONS OF COUNTIES OF GREAT BRITAIN THE FAILURES OF CO-OPERATIVE STORES FOR TWENTY YEARS GIVEN IN COUNTIES - IV-TABLE OF THE RELATIVE PROGRESS OF THE - CO-OPERATIVE MOVEMENT , INDEX. - "The literature of Co-operation is already voluminous, and perhaps some might doubt whether its volume can for the present be profitably increased. That doubt will very aoon be abandoned by anyone who takes up Miss Beatrice Potter's luminous and suggestive little volume, contributed to the ' Social Science Series,' and entitled, 'The Co-operative Movement in Great Britain.' Miss Potter writes with a strong social faith; we might, indeed, call it, in a sense, socialistic, if the word were not ambiguous, and, therefore, liable to misconstruction, and apt to create a prejudice. But she writes also with a profound knowledge of the industrial movement of her time, with a clear-sighted capacity to distinguish its essence from its accidence, and with a firm grasp of essential economic principle. Her study of the co-operative movement ' as one form of democratic association?as one aspect of that larger movement towards an Industrial Democracy, which has characterised the history of the British working-class of the 19th century,'? is, therefore, not a mere bald, historical chronicle, but a thoughtful and pregnant study of tendencies, causes, and effects."?The Times.