
2 in 1 Bd. 10 Bll., 426 S., 1 Bl., 2 Bll., 606 S., 14 Bll. Fol. Pgmt. der Zeit mit Rückenschild (bestoßen und etw. fleckig).


Die erste von Jean Garet besorgte Ausgabe der Opera Omnia des Cassiodor erschien 1679. - "Jean Garet (1627 - 1694) prepared an edition of Cassiodorus which was published at Rouen in 1679. Mommsen`s criticism on his edition of the Variae, which was included in the above work, is very severe: `A work without either skill or learning - Garet took Fournier`s text (Paris, 1579) as a basis, and inserted alterations of his own rather than corrections.` (Mon. Germ. Hist.: Auct. antiq., XII, cxv). As a preface to his edition Garet wrote a dissertation in which he tried to prove that Cassiodorus was a Benedictine. Migne followed the Garet edition in Patrologia Latina, LXIX-LXX. It does not contain the Complexiones, a work discovered later by Maffei" (Wikipedia Abruf vom 15.04.2016). - Buchblock angebrochen. Leicht gebräunt und kaum fleckig (vereinzelt leicht wasserrandig). Vorderer Buchinnendeckel mit hs. Besitzvermerk. Vortitel mit Quetschfalte, Titel gestempelt. Exlibris.