428.00 EUR zzgl. 15.00 EUR Versand
Preis inkl. Versand:
443.00 EUR
Alle Preisangaben inkl. USt
Verkauf durch:
Matthäus Truppe
Michael Truppe
Stubenberggasse 7
8010 Graz
Ja (Weitere Details)
Büchersendung / Paketdienst
3 - 5 Werktage
(Text:) VI S., 1 Bl., 152 S. 1 Tafel. (Atlas:) 1 Bl. (Titel) und 12 teils gefalt. Tafeln. (Text:) Kl.-4°. OKart. (Rücken erneuert, etw. gebräunt, kl. Randläsuren, gestempelt); (Atlas:) Gr.-Fol. Lose in Kart.-Mappe des 20. Jahrhunderts mit aufgekl. vorderen OU (etw. gebräunt, kl. Läsuren).
Erste Ausgabe dieser reich illustrierten Monographie zur Topographie von Rom, mit dem meist fehlenden Atlas. - Enthält 5 Tafeln mit Wiedergaben früher Ansichten der Stadt Rom aus dem Mittelalter bzw. der frühen Neuzeit und die große aus 7 Tafeln bestehenden Rekonstruktion der Stadt Rom des beginnenden 16. Jahrhundert. - "Giovanni Battista de Rossi (1822 - 1894) ... He applied the sciences of archaeology and epigraphy, and leveraged his thorough knowledge of the topography of Rome, not to mention the resources of the Vatican Library, where he was employed cataloguing manuscripts. These skills he brought to Early Christian sites and guided the development of a new field, Christian archaeology. He travelled widely, knew all the museum collections intimately and was at the center of a network of professional friendships with all the European scholars of his fields. In 1849 he rediscovered the lost Catacombs of Callixtus along the Via Appia Antica, with Alexander de Richemont. The catacombs were opened in the early 3rd century, as the principal Christian cemetery in Rome, where nine 3rd-century popes were buried. He published illustrations by Gregorio Mariani. Around that time, De Rossi made the acquaintance of James Spencer Northcote, who had a keen interest in the archaeology of Christian Rome. Northcote and William Brownlow, would later publish an English translation of De Rossi`s Roma Sotterranea" (Wikipedia Abruf vom 15.07.2024). - Leicht fleckig und gebräunt. Exlibris