
Noch vanden Joodschen oorloghe ende verwoestinghe der stadt Jerusalem andere seven: item van de oude afcomste der Joden twee, gheschreven teghen Apionem Grammaticum: ende ten laetsten noch een van des vernufts conste ende der Machabeer lijden. Daer byghevoecht zijn Egesippi vijf boecken, oock handelende vande verstooringhe der stadt Jerusalem. Nu eerst in Nederduytsche tale overgeset uyt de Hoochduytsche sprake, achtervolgende het exemplaer Conradi Lautenbachs, de welcke de Griecxsche tale ten naesten uytghedruckt heeft. Mitsgaders alle nootwendige summarische aenteeckeninghen der capittelen der Bybelschen Concordantien Jaer-reeckeningen ende Registeren noyt te voren in druck ghegheven.. (II), 343, 31, (XIV) 77, (III) Leather. Folio. Woodcut printer's device. *leather rubbed, top and bottom spine slightly damaged, a few wormholes in spine and in front of the book, waterstain throughout the entire book, a few ink and other spots throughout the entire book, some foxing, a few annotations in pencil, corner title page, page CV, NII, V8 and last page is missing but no loss of text, otherwise in good condition*


This is the second edition and differs in nothing of the book published in 1594. Only the titlepage shows some small differences. Left out is the sentence: 'Door Everardum Bommelium Dienaer des Godlicken Woorts tot Voorschoten'. Also the address on the titlepage is changed. Poortman, Bijbel en prent pp.219