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Aus dem Nachlass von Michael Richter. Mit Namensstempel auf Vorsatz. Papierbedingt leicht gebräunt, Einband etwas bestoßen. - Inhalt: Introduction: Questions of the text-various extant MSS. of the lianes Gruffydd ap Cynan and their relation to one another-history of Peniarth MS. 17 -- Latin versions of the Hanes-Nicholas Robinson and Edward Thehvall-All Latin versions identical and probably the wort of Eobinson-Sir John Wynne's transcript -- The Hanes originally written in Latin -- The date of the Composition-Its lack of anachronisms-Written during the reign of Owain Gwynedd- And before the capture of Waterford-The Archbishopric of St. David's-Sources of information- Not the same as in the case of the Annales Cambriae or Brut y Tywysogion or the Lives of the Saints- Derived from the testimony of eye-witnesses and works of the bards -- Gruffydd's pedigree-Its importance"-Cynan in Welsh and Irish writings-Irish pedigrees-the reliance of Gruffydd upon Scandinavian mercenaries -- The alliance of Gruffydd with Rhys ap Tewdwr- Mynydd Cara-its effect upon the Norman expansion -Gruffydd and the Normans-Early years of Norman aggression in Wales-Marcher earldoms-Norman diplomacy-Chester and North Wales -- The Period of Gruffydd's imprisonment-Death of Robert of Rhuddlan-Attack upon the church of St. Gwenllyw -- Welsh Revolts in 1094-Source of Gruffydd's help- Wars of Rufus in Wales-Hanes an unsatisfactory authority for the Welsh campaigns of Rufus-The failure of Rufus -- The attack upon Anglesey in 1098-Various accounts-Excesses of the Normans-The death of Hugh of Shrewsbury -- Last years of Grufiydd's career-A change of policy-Invasions of Wales by Henry I.-The rising at the end of Henry's reign-Grufiydd's character and the nature of his service to Wales -- Facsimile II. Peniarth MS. 267 -- Welsh Text from Peniarth MSS. 17 and 267 and Translation in English.