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Fundus-Online GbR
Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
Kurfürstenstr. 14
10785 Berlin
Ja (Weitere Details)
Büchersendung / 1 Buch / book
1 - 3 Werktage
XV; 502 S.; 8°. Fadengehefteter Originalpappband mit Schutzumschlag.
Gutes Ex. - Preface Acknowledgments -- Part I Classification and Diagnosis -- Introduction -- Concepts of Abnormality and Mental Illness Abnormality: the basic concepts -- Objective symptoms: the biological concept of abnormality -- Statistical normality -- Social maladjustment: the sociocultural concept -- Subjective unhdppiness: the psychological concept Research and administrative definitions Multidimensional concepts Mental illness as irrationality Measurement of mental health/illness -- Nominal measurement -- Ordinal measurement -- Interval measurement -- Ratio measurement -- Conceptual problems Summary and conclusions -- Diagnostic Classification -- Diagnostic classification Thomas Szasz -- Diagnostic nomenclatures -- International Classification of Diseases (ICD) -- American Psychiatric Association -- Canadian psychiatry -- British Psychiatric Society Major diagnostic categories -- Mental retardation -- Organic brain syndromes -- Psychoses -- Schizophrenia -- Neuroses -- Hysteria -- Psychosomatic disorders -- Personality disorders -- Sexual disorders Summary and conclusions -- Diagnostic Procedures in Psychiatry Biological diagnostic procedures -- The standard medical examination -- The neurological examination The psychiatric interview -- The interview process(es) -- The personal history: the indirect mental status -- examination -- The mental status examination -- Interview schedules The psychological assessment -- Assessment procedures -- Psychometric techniques Reliability -- Determinants of low reliability of psychiatric diagnoses -- Conclusion Validity -- Construct or convergent validity -- Content or face validity -- Criterion-related or concurrent and predictive validities Clinical vs. actuarial prediction Summary and conclusions -- Part II Symptomatology -- Introduction -- Disorders of Cognitive Processes Disorders of perception -- Disorders of veridical perception: I. Nonpathological -- Disorders of veridical perception: II. Hallucinations -- Disorders of perceptual sensitivity Disorders of thinking -- Disorders of thought content -- Disorders of the stream of thought -- Disorders in the form of thinking -- Disorders of the possession of thought Disorders of memory -- Disorders of perception and understanding -- Disorders of learning and retention -- Disorders of recognition and recall Summary and conclusions -- Affective Disorders -- Affect as a subjective experience -- Biological basis of affect -- Affect and cognition -- Behavioural aspects of affect -- Integration of the affective response -- The control of emotion Disorders of affect -- Threshold -- Duration -- Intensity -- Appropriateness Affects of psychiatric significance -- Inferiority, insecurity, inadequacy, and impotence -- Anxiety -- Depression -- Hostility, anger and hate Summary and conclusions -- Disorders of Conation, Personality and Character Will and will-power -- Motivation -- Attention and will-power -- Concentration Conative disorders as symptoms of mental illness -- Lack of motivation/will-power -- Loss of voluntary control Personality disorders -- Normal vs. abnormal personality. -- Personality disorder vs. mental illness Types of personality disorder Character disorders -- Antisocial personality -- Sexual deviations Summary and conclusions -- Part III Determinants of Abnormal Behaviour -- Introduction -- The concept of 'cause' -- Inevitability -- Univariate reasoning -- Relativity -- Conclusions Classification of determinants and theories -- Biological Determinants of Mental Illness -- Biological theories of aetiology Morphological theories -- Ernst Kretschmer (1888-1971) -- William H. Sheldon (1899-1977) Brain damage -- Conceptualization -- Dimensions of brain damage Biochemistry -- Endocrine functioning -- Nutritional theories -- Disorders of metabolism -- Dopamine and the endorphins // u.v.a.m. ISBN 0710008643