
XVI; 339 S.; Abb.; graph. Darst.; 8°; kart.


Sehr gutes Exemplar. - Outcomes of Psychoanalytic Treatment / Edited by Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, University of Kassel, Germany and Mary Target, University College London. - Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytical psychotherapy remain unparalleled sources of insight into the unconscious determinants and dimensions of psychological suffering. However, there is a worldwide debate as to the most appropriate ways in which to carry out research into psychopathology and treatment, which remains true to the essence of the discipline. This volume presents the rationales, methods and findings of some of the main empirical studies. The methodological and scientific problems, as well as some sophisticated solutions, are illustrated with concrete research examples. The distinguished authors of this volume share the common aim to bridge the gap between practising therapists and researchers. (Verlagstext) // INHALT : Introductory remarks - Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, Mary Target - PART I - LONG-TERM TREATMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF CONTEMPORARY DISCUSSIONS - What are the aims of psychoanalysts? Anna Ursula Dreher - The generations of psychotherapy research: an overview Robert S Wallerstein - Evidence-based medicine and its justifications Peter Fonagy - PART 2 - LONG-TERM PSYCHOANALYTIC THERAPIES: GERMAN STUDIES - Introduction and overview Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber - Report on the analytical psychotherapy of a young girl Winfrid Trimborn - A clinically orientated psychodynamic classification of borderline states Stavros Mentzos - THE PSYCHOANALYTIC FOLLOW-UP STUDY (DPV): - A REPRESENTATIVE MULTICENTRE STUDY OF LONG-TERM - PSYCHOANALYTIC THERAPIES - Short overview, aims and design of the follow-up study Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber - Combining qualitative and quantitative methods in psychoanalytic follow-up research Ulrich Stuhr - Statistical design and representativeness of the DPV follow-up study Bernhard Rüger - Long-term treatments from the perspectives of the former patients Manfred Beutel, Marcus Rasting - A follow-up study - critical inspiration for our clinical practice? Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber - STUDYING THE MENTAL HEALTH COSTS OF LONG-TERM PSYCHOTHERAPIES - Mental health - its significance for society and conditions for its development Markus Fäh - Efficacy and cost effectiveness aspects of outpatient Jungian) psychoanalysis and psychotherapy - a catamnestic study Wolfram Keller, Gisela Westhoff, Reiner Dilg, Robert Rohner, Hans Henning Studt and the study group on empirical psychotherapy research in analytical psychology - PROSPECTIVE STUDIES IN PSYCHOANALYSIS AND LONG-TERM PSYCHOANALYTIC TREATMENTS - Structural changes in psychoanalytic therapies - the Heidelberg-Berlin Study on long-term psychoanalytic therapies (PAL) Gerd Rudolf, Tilman Grande, Reiner Dilg, Thorsten Jakobsen, Wölfram Keller, Claudia Oberbracht, Claudia Pauli-Magnus, Sabine Stehle, Stefanie Wilke - The Munich Psychotherapy Study: a process-outcome comparison between psychoanalyses and psychodynamic psychotherapies with regard to mode-specific effects Dorothea Huber, Günther Klug, Michael von Rad // (u.a.m.) ISBN 1861562799