
358 S. Mit zahlr. Abb. Originalbroschur.


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kleiss, langjährigem Leiter der Außenstelle Teheran des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Einband leicht berieben. - F. BEGEMANN, E. HAERINCK, B. OVERLAET, S. SCHMITT-STRECKER & F. TALLON, An Archaeo-Metallurgical Study of the Early and Middle Bronze Age in Luristan, Iran -- K. DE GRAEF, Annus Simaskensis. L'usage des noms d'année pendant la période simaskéenne (Ca. 1930-1880 av. notre ère) à Suse -- P. MAGEE, Deconstructing the destruction of Hasanlu: Archaeology, Imperialism and the Chronology of the Iranian Iron Age -- K. MOLLAZADEH, The pottery from the Mannean site of Qalaichi, Bukan (NW-Iran) -- J. ALVAREZ-MON, "Give to drink, o cup-bearer!". The Arjan beaker in the context of lion-headed drinking vessels in the Ancient Near East -- B. OVERLAET, Great Balls of Fire? Pyrites, Meteorites and Meteor-wrongs from Ancient Iran -- P. VARGYAS, The silver hoard from Nush-i Jan revisited -- H. BASAFA, A new perspective on Dambakoh site in southeast Iran -- E. HAERINCK & B. OVERLAET, Altar shrines and fire altars? Architectural representations on frataraka coinage -- J.M. BIGWOOD, Some Parthian Queens in Greek and Babylonian Documents -- E. STRUGNELL, Thea Musa, Roman Queen of Parthia -- E. THOMPSON, Composition and Continuity in Sasanian Rock Reliefs.