
450 S. Mit zahlr. Abb. Originalbroschur.


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kleiss, langjährigem Leiter der Außenstelle Teheran des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Einband leicht berieben. - A. DAEMS & K. CROUCHER, Artificial cranial modification in prehistoric Iran: evidence from crania and figurines -- K. KANIUTH, The Metallurgy of the Late Bronze Age Sapalli Culture (Southern Uzbekistan) and its implications for the "tin question" -- K. DE GRAEF, Les textes de V récent du Chantier B à Suse (fin sukkalmahat ca. 1575-1530 av. notre ère) -- B. OVERLAET, Soundings at Tall-i Kamin (Kur River basin), Fars, Iran -- H. TALA'I, The Iron II (ca. 1200-800 B.C.) pottery assemblage at Haftavan IV NW-Iran -- A.A. VAHDATI, Marlik and Toul-e Talish: A Dating Problem -- H. REZVANI & K. ROUSTAEI, A Preliminary Report on Two Seasons of Excavations at Kul Tarike Cemetery, Kurdestan, Iran -- J.-C. BESSAC, Etude technique et interprétations du monument rupestre de Qadamgah (Fars) -- I. BARKER, The Lady and the Lotus: Representations of Women in the Achaemenid Empire -- A.A. VAHDATI, An Inscribed Dagger at the National Museum of Iran: Forgery or Genuine? -- J.K. CHOKSY, Reassessing the material contexts of ritual fires in Ancient Iran -- D.T. POTTS, Foundation houses, fire altars and the frataraka: interpreting the iconography of some post-Achaemenid Persian coins -- M. CHARLES, The rise of the Sassanian elephant corps: elephants and the later Roman Empire -- J. JANY, Criminal Justice in Sasanian Persia -- U. WEBER, Hormezd I., König der Könige von Erän und Anèrân -- J. CLARK, Continuity and Change: The History of Ancient Iran in Three Works by A.T. Olmstead, Roman Ghirshman, and Richard N. Frye.