
1996. Zusammen 2529 S. mit jeweils zahlreichen Abb., kartoniert, quart---- gute Exemplare / good condition / zweisprachig: englisch, italienisch / Enthalten: Disegnie Antichi, Acquarelli, Tempere, Disegni e Dipinti del Secolo XIX. Rom 1988/ Contemporary Prints and Multiples. New York 1990 / Hommage a Tereiade. The Complete Teriade Editions. London, 1995 / Old Master, Modern and Contemporary Prints. London, 1990 / Important Old Master, Modern and Contemporary Prints. London, 1996 / Modern and Contemporary Prints. London, 1991 / Contemporary Prints and Multiples. New York, 1989 / Mondern Prints from the Neuerburg Collection. New York, 1988 / Contemporary Prints and Multiples. New York, 1990 / Important American and Modern Prints and Illustrated Books. New York, 1990 / Modern and Contemporary Art. Amsterdam, 1996 -