1926.00 EUR zzgl. 15.00 EUR Versand
Preis inkl. Versand:
1941.00 EUR
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Verkauf durch:
Matthäus Truppe
Michael Truppe
Stubenberggasse 7
8010 Graz
Ja (Weitere Details)
Büchersendung / Paketdienst
3 - 5 Werktage
1 Bl., 214 S. (französischer Text), 157 S. (arabischer Text) mit einigen Textabb. Gr.-8°. OHLdr. (leicht bestoßen und berieben).
Erste Ausgabe dieser ersten Übersetzung von al-Tusi`s Werk zur Trigonometrie, sehr selten. - "Al-Tusi was the first to write a work on trigonometry independently of astronomy. Al-Tusi, in his Treatise on the Quadrilateral, gave an extensive exposition of spherical trigonometry, distinct from astronomy. It was in the works of Al-Tusi that trigonometry achieved the status of an independent branch of pure mathematics distinct from astronomy, to which it had been linked for so long" (Wikipedia Abruf vom 12.05.2015). - "This treatise Kashf al-qina` ?an asrar al-Shakl al-qatta` (Removal of the Veil from the Mysteries of the Secants Figure) bears sometimes other titles, that is al-Risalat al-qatta` fi ?ilm al-Handasa (Treatise on Secants in the Science of Geometry) and Kitab al-shakl al-qatta` (The Book on the Secant Figure). In all manuscripts, it is in Arabic. Al-Tusi`s work is the first systematic trigonometry text, independent of astronomy in Muslim civilization. Hajji Khalifa proposes that this book is related to the first figure in the first chapter of Menelaus of Alexandria`s (c. 70-140 CE) Kitâb al-Ukar`s (Sphaerica). It was also first written in Arabic and then translated into Persian by the author himself as a five-chapter book. The number of copies of the Kashf al-qina` in the libraries indicates how commonly and frequently it was used through scholars. The French and the Turkish translations of the book in the Ottoman state at the last quarter of 19th century and first quarter of the 20th century shows that this book still very well-liked. Alexandr Carathéodory published an Arabic edition of the text, accompanied by a French translation. The work was also translated into Turkish by Celal Saygin (d. 1954). The printing of this book in the Ottoman state at the end of the 19th century and translation of it in the beginning of the 20th century shows how the Ottomans were still interested al-Tusi`s works" (muslimheritage). - Text auf Französisch und in Arabisch. Vorsatz mit hs. Vermerk. Gebräunt und etw. fleckig.