
) 1907). Gr.-8vo. 3 Bl. Titelei, 16 Bl. Faksimile (mit weißen Blättern durchschossen). Hlwd.d.Zt.; leicht angestaubt.


Faksimile eines 1906 wiederentdeckten u. für die British Library ersteigerten elisabethanischen Dramas, "privately printed for subscribers only". "This edition is unique in every respect - for its hundreds of printer's blunders, its battered type, turned letters, its "stamps" used interchangeably in a most unique and prettily inventive fashion; for its extraordinary rhymes; for its Dutch and Spanish jargon - in short, it is probably the most slovenly written, the worst printed, and the rarest of pre-Shakespearan plays" (Vorwort). - Ausgeschiedenes Bibliotheksexemplar (3 unauffällige Perforationsstempel im weißen Unterrand, jeweils mit "withdrawn" überstempelt).