
333 S. Broschiert.


Gebraucht, aber gut erhalten. - This book presents a balanced selection of Islamic precepts that are of particular importance in understanding the role, function and dynamics of marital bonds in a Muslim society. This presentation, however, goes beyond the mere assumption that Muslims generally live under the aegis of the Islamic law and thus provide further fresh thoughts based on empirical evidence on how these Islamic normative prescriptions have found expression on the behaviour and marital practices of contemporary Muslims. Islamic Impacts on Marriage and Divorce among the Digo of Southern Kenya is written and presented in a scholarly manner and will undoubtedly be of interest not only to students of Islamic Studies but also students of History and Anthropology involved with Muslim societies and cultures. Contemporary Muslim judges and judicial officials as well as those involved in efforts aimed at reforming Muslim family law will find some refreshing insights in this book to help them understand such a diverse and complex phenomenon as marriage. ISBN 9783899135688