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62.90 EUR
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Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
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10785 Berlin
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1 - 3 Werktage
671 S.; sehr zahlr. auch farb. Abb. Fadengehefteter Originalpappband mit Schutzumschlag.
Gutes Exemplar; Umschlag mit kl. Läsuren. - The world of the Catalan Atlas. Jean Michel Massing -- Portuguese navigation: its historical development. Luís de Albuquerque -- Spain in the age of exploration: crossroads of artistic cultures. Jonathan Brown -- Sculpture in Castile c. 1492. J.J. Martín González -- The Spain of Ferdinand and Isabella. Richard Kagan -- The art of western Africa in the age of exploration. Ezio Bassani -- "The gorgeous east": trade and tribute in the Islamic empires. J. Michael Rogers -- Picturing the Levant. Julain Raby -- Maps and the rationalization of geographic space. David Woodward -- Tradition and innovation: Columbus' first voyage and Portuguese navigation in the fifteenth century. Francis Maddison -- The mean and measure of all things. Martin Kemp -- Michelangelo 1492. Giulio Carlo Argan -- The quest for the exotic: Albrecht Dürer in the Netherlands. Jean Michel Massing -- Toward Cathay. Circa 1492 in Japan: Columbus and the legend of Golden Cipangu. Martin Collcutt -- Art in Japan 1450-1550. Sherman E. Lee -- The Kangnido: a Korean world map, 1402. Gari Ledyard -- Korean painting of the early Choson period. Sherman E. Lee -- China in the age of Columbus. F.W. Mote -- Art in China 1450-1550. Sherman E. Lee -- Encounters with India: land of gold, spices and matters spiritual. Stuart Cary Welch -- The Americas. The Aztec empire: realm of the smoking mirror. Michael D. Coe -- The Aztec gods - how many? Miguel Léon-Portilla -- The Taínos: principal inhabitants of Columbus' Indies. Irving Rouse and José Juan Arrom -- Early European images of America: the ethnographic approach. Jean Michel Massing -- Signs of division, symbols of unity: art in the Inka empire. Craig Morris -- The falcon and the serpent: life in the southeastern United States at the time of Columbus. James A. Brown -- Emblems of power in the chiefdoms of the new world. Warwick Bray -- The lands of gold. A world united. J.H. Elliott -- List of Maps. ISBN 0300051670