
224 S. Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. Gebundene Ausgabe mit Schutzumschlag.


Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Le Plan Libre - Destruction of the Box - Plan-free Universality - Existence Maximum - Open to the Public - Open Ends Continuity - The Void - Endless House - The Glass Stare - Continuations Projects - Mobius House - Raise-Up House - Marika Alderton House - Berro House - Jeddeloh House - Sub-'burb 2025 - Valley Center House - Morton Duplex - Cap Martinet House - Lodi Bunk House - Barnes House - Wall-less House. - As can be seen in Shigeru Ban's minimalist retreat perched in the hills of Japan, or LOT/EK's industrial vernacular duplex in New York, the modern open plan house is alive and well. Twelve projects by some of today's leading international architects, including Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, Patkau Architects, Robert Mangurian and Mary-Ann Ray, Wes Jones, Daly Genik, Kuth Ranieri and Prtizker Prize winner Glenn Murcutt, are showcased in full-page colour photographs that illustrate and celebrate the enduring relevance and formal variety of the open house.