
Exhibition 3 scales-4 architects, held at the Netherlands Architecture Institute in Rotterdam from 16 October until 24 November 1996 and scheduled for 'Le French May', Urban Council, 5-16 May 1997 in Hong Kong.. 6 Bl. plus 4 schmale Broschüren je 24 Bl., übereinander in Pappdeckel. Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb.


Einband leicht berieben. - Text frz. und engl. - The first presentation in the series focuses on France. Starting out from a French, national perspective, the international aspect of its architectural culture will be explored. Despite the language barrier, French architecture has always been of great importance to the Dutch professional community. The new Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Brussels-Paris TGV high-speed train connection will make France seem closer than ever to the Netherlands, and may also help rekindle Dutch interest in French culture and architecture. Altersfreigabe FSK ab 0 Jahre