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Fundus-Online GbR
Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
Kurfürstenstr. 14
10785 Berlin
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1 - 3 Werktage
3 Bände (brosch.) + Beiheft / 48; 83; 57 u. 20 S., jew. mit zahlr. Abb., im illustr. Schuber.
Sehr gutes Ex. - Texte franz. / engl. - Architecture Studio constructs cryptic buildings that possess an unimpeachable logic. Whatever the programme, be it a major public amenity, service industry building or factory, housing, school or university; or be it studies relating to a neighbourhood or section of a town; they are "contextual", to quote the architects that make up the Architecture Studio group. The buildings are rooted in our time. Built with precision, using the latest techniques, they are embedded in the town's economic, social and cultural textures, in order to stimulate its development. In addition, they display the pleasure of inventing shapes and spaces which have a sense. They impose material and colour, venture contrasts, signify the ruptures of the modern world. This publication, edited by Techniques et Architecture, is split into three parts. Architecture Studio illustrates its recent realisations and projects that are in progress, with commentary by the architects. Critics analyse the group's creative and theoretical itinerary (texts by Genevieve Brisac, Mario Pisani, Wosjec Lesnikovski, Chantal Beret). Cites Studio presents its urban projects (texts by Bruno-Henri Vayssiere). Finally, D. Studio, offers the intimacy of a closer look. Three scales which meet and reinforce one another. - Diaphragmes de façade, Institut du Monde Arabe - Chapelle Saint-Martin-de-Porres, Paris - Volets mobiles Université de la Citadelle, Dunkerque - Stimuli, façade d'immeuble de logements, rue du Château des Rentiers, Paris - Internat, coursive des chambres, Lycée du Futur, Parc du Futuroscope, Jaunay-Clan - Lasure sur béton brut, couloir d'école maternelle et élémentaire, rue Mouraud - Circulations, lycée du Futur, - Parc du Futuroscope, Jaunay-Clan - Vieux mur dans la cour, immeuble de logements, rue Domrémy, Paris - Projet pour la passerelle Solférino, Bicentenaire de la Révolution française, Paris - Mezzanine-meuble, logements pour étudiants, Jaunay-Clan - Coupole, Ambassade de France en Oman, Mascate - / RITES DE PASSAGE, MARIO PISANI - RITI Dl PASSAGIO, MARIO PISANI - LE TRACE ROUGE, GENEVIEVE BRISAC - THE RED UNE, GENEVIEVE BRISAC - AMBASSADE DE FRANCE EN OMAN, MASCATE - UNIVERSITE DE LA CITADELLE, DUNKERQUE - POSTE DE COMMANDEMENT DES SAPEURS POMPIERS, GENNEVILLIERS - TRANSFERTS ESTHETIQUES, CHANTAL BERET - CENTRE D'AFFAIRES MARCHE DE L'EUROPE, PARIS - ESTHETICS TRANSFERTS, CHANTAL BERET - LOGEMENTS EN FRONT-DE-SEINE, PARIS - LYCEE DU FUTUR, FUTUROSCOPE, JAUNAY-CLAN - / NOM D'UNE HISTOIRE, BRUNO-HENRI VAYSSIERE - CITY UNLIMITED, BRUNO-HENRI VAYSSIERE - STIMULI, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BAILLY - STIMULI, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BAILLY - PARIS, LOGEMENTS RUE DU CHATEAU-DES RENTIERS - AMIENS, PROJET URBAIN - VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ, PROJET, AMENAGEMENT DU CENTRE VILLE - PARIS-OUEST, PROJET, RESTRUCTURATION, QUARTIER DE LA DEFENSE - BERLIN, D'UN ECRAN L'AUTRE - BETHUNE, PROJET, CENTRE VILLE - TOULOUSE, QUARTIER DES ARENES (u.a.m.) ISBN 2904392211