
XIV, 230 S. mit graph. Darst., gebundene Ausgabe.


Schönes, frisches Exemplar. - Mit Literaturangaben u. Suject Index. - Beiträge / Contents: Long-Term Consequences of Early Feeding on Later Obesity Risk - Koletzko, B. (Germany); Energy Requirements of Infants and Children - Butte, N.F. (USA); Protein Requirements of Infants and Children - Garlick, P.J. (USA); Growth of Breast-Fed and Formula-Fed Infants - Ziegler, E.E. (USA); Body Composition during the First Year of Life - Rigo, J. (Belgium); Dietary Reference Intakes: Concepts and Approaches Underlying Protein and Energy Requirements - Yates, A.A. (USA); Intestinal Amino Acid Metabolism in Neonates - van Goudoever, J.B.; van der Schoor, S.R.D (The Netherlands); Stoll, B.; Burrin, D.G. (USA); Wattimena, D.; Schierbeek, H.; Schaart, M.W.; Riedijk, M.A.; van der Lugt, J. (The Netherlands); Amino Acid Requirements of Infants and Children - Pencharz, P.B.; Ball, R.O. (Canada); Effects of High Protein Intakes - Axelsson, I. (Sweden); Physiology of Food Intake Regulation: Interaction with Dietary Components - Anderson, G.H.; Aziz, A.; Abou Samra, A. (Canada); Complementary Food: International Comparison on Protein and Energy Requirement/Intakes - Agostoni, C.; Riva, E.; Giovannini, M. (Italy); What Is the Optimal Age for Introduction of Complementary Foods? - Dewey, K.G. (USA); Recent Issues in Energy-Protein Malnutrition in Children - Desjeux, J.-F. (France); Protein Quality and Quantity in Cow's Milk-Based Formula for Healthy Term Infants: Past, Present and Future - Mace, K.; Steenhout, P.; Klassen, R; Donnet, A. (Switzerland); Recombinant Human Milk Proteins - Lönnerdal, B. (USA). - In this volume, world-renowned specialists review the latest scientific infor-mation and recommendations for protein and energy requirements of infants and children. New data obtained with the latest techniques show significant-ly lower requirements for both energy and protein than previously thought. This will have far-reaching implications for nutrition and health, not only during infancy and childhood, but also for long-term health outcomes, such as obesity and related disorders. Indeed for the latest generation of some infant formulas, many of the new nutrition concepts presented in this volume (especially those concerning protein level and quality) have already been translated into clinically tested products that are Coming ever closer to the 'gold Standard' human milk, not only in terms of composition, but also of outcome. The important public health implications of the information reviewed in this volume provide essential reading for pediatricians, clinical investigators and health workers engaged in the prevention of nutrition-related disorders. ISBN 9783805580816