
IX; 182 S. Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag.


Sehr gutes Ex. - What is arms control for? - I. Introduction - II. The new security challenge - III. The arms control response - IV. Jettisoning cold war baggage V. Setting new priorities - VI. Arms control and internal conflict - VII. Institution building - VIII. Conclusion - Nuclear weapons and European security - I. Introduction II. Rethinking deterrence III. Nuclear weapons and US-Russian political relations - Conventional arms control and European stability - I. Introduction - II. The uses and abuses of traditional arms control - III. Talk as a confidence- and security-building measure - IV. The purposes of dialogue V. Keeping the dialogue alive - VI. Arms control beyond the negotiating table - VII. Co-operative projects as arms control - VIII. Verification as a co-operative project - Arms control and conflict within states - I. Introduction II. Controlling internal security forces - Crisis management as arms control - I. Introduction II. Ways forward - III. Crisis management and force constraints: must we choose? - IV. Tools, and governments' willingness to use them - vi SECURITY AND ARMS CONTROL IN EUROPE - Conclusion: arms control and institution building - I. Introduction II. Towards a pan-European security system? - III. Modest institutional improvements - IV. Competing political visions - Appendix. Documents on European security, 1990-92 - Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty) Paris, 19 November 1990 - Rome Declaration on Peace and Co-operation, issued by the North Atlantic Council Rome, 8 November 1991 - Final Communique, issued by the North Atlantic Council Meeting in Ministerial Session Brussels, 19 December 1991 - North Atlantic Cooperation Council Statement on Dialogue, Partnership and Cooperation Brussels, 20 December 1991 - Summary of Conclusions of the second meeting of the - CSCE Council - Prague, 31 January 1992 - Prague Document on Further Development of CSCE Institutions and Structures Prague, 31 January 1992 - Vienna Document 1992 on Confidence- and Security-Building - Measures - Vienna, 4 March 1992 - Outline of the provisions of the Open Skies Treaty Helsinki, 24 March 1992 - Petersberg Declaration, by the Western European Union - Council of Ministers - Petersberg, Germany, 19 June 1992 - Concluding Act of the Negotiation on Personnel Strength of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE-1A Agreement) Helsinki, 10 July 1992 - Helsinki Document 1992, The Challenges of Change, Helsinki Decisions Helsinki, 10 July 1992 - Summary of Conclusions of the Stockholm CSCE Council Meeting: 'Shaping a New Europe-The Role of the CSCE' Stockholm, 15 December 1992 - Select bibliography. ISBN 0198291760