
- 1985. Gesamt ca. 2000 Seiten. Originalleinen.


Gute Exemplare. - 9 BÄNDE. - Bisher erschienen: Bände 0 bis 38. // HIER: Bände 3 bis 9 und 11, 12. - Etymological dictionary of Slavic languages. Proto-Slavic lexical stock is an etymological dictionary of the reconstructed Proto-Slavic lexicon. It has been continuously published since 1974 until present, in 38 volumes. he dictionary was conceived in the 1950s with the inadequacy of the existing Slavic etymological dictionaries in mind. Since 1961 the preparations began for the dictionary under the direction of Oleg Trubachev at the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the USSR.[ In 1963 a trial edition of the dictionary was published.[3] Since its inception, the dictionary has been published by the Department of Etymology and Onomastics of the Russian Language Institute. The Editor-In-Chief in the period 1974-2002 was Oleg Trubachev, and since 2002 Anatoly Zhuravlev. For every Proto-Slavic reconstruction an etymology is given, as well as the history of etymological research. Reflexes in all Slavic languages are listed, and so are the cognates in other Indo-European languages. Proto-Slavic accent and accentual paradigm is not reconstructed. Elements of Proto-Slavic morphology (affixes, desinences) are also not reconstructed. Volumes of the dictionary have been referenced in over 2100 journals and books.