
Unpag.; 102 S. Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. 2 Broschüren plus Taschenklappspiegel in "Kulturbeutel".


Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Text japanisch und englisch. - Ungewöhnliche Aufmachung. Teils Paraphrasen von berühmten Kunstwerken (z.B. eine nackte schwangere Mona Lisa). - Yasumasa Morimura is a Japanese appropriation artist. He was born in Osaka and graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts in 1978. Since 1985, Yasumasa Morimura has primarily shown his work in international solo exhibitions, although he has been involved in various group exhibitions. Yasumasa Morimura borrows images from historical artists (ranging from Edouard Manet to Rembrandt to Cindy Sherman), and inserts his own face and body into them.