
297 + 511 + 735 + 179 S.


4 Bände. Gebraucht, aber gut erhalten. - Volume I: Against the Background of the Former Soviet Union. Inhalt: Systemic Transformation in Russia: A Critical Revision of Methods and a New Agenda (Klaus Segbers) -- Levels and Units of Analysis in Post-Soviet Studies (Stephan De Spiegeleire) -- USSR: Deconstruction of the Text. At the Occasion of the 77th Anniversary of Soviet Discourse (Sergei Medvedev) -- In Search of Form (Petr Shchedrovitskii) -- The Structure of Economic Space in Post-Perestroika Society and the Transformation of the Administrative Market (Simon Kordonskii) -- The Russian National Economic Elite in the Political Arena (Vladimir Chervyakov). Volume II: Emerging Geopolitical and Territorial Units. Theories, Methods and Case Studies. Inhalt: Post-Soviet Developments: A Regional Interpretation. A Methodological Review (Sergei Medvedev) -- Russian Regions and Territories (Vladimir Kaganskii) -- Administrative Regionalism: Stages, Actors, Legitimisation and Prospects (Sergei Pavlenko) -- Regional Alternative Approaches to Economic Reform (Oleg Grigor'ev, Mikhail Malyutin and Andrei Neshchadin) -- Risk Assessment of Russia's Regional Disintegration (N.V. Petrov and A.I. Treivish) -- A Survey of Russia's Regional Economies (II'ya Shkabara) -- Ethnic and Regional Conflicts in the Post-Soviet Space (Emil Pain and Arkadii Popov) -- Regional Peculiarities of Privatisation in Russia (Aleksandr Kovalevskii) -- Russia's Transport Infrastructure: Problems and Prospects (Sergei Tarkhov) -- Russia's Inter-Regional Associations: A New Form of State Life (Mariya Lyashevskaya) -- Policy Subjects and Factors in Povolzh'e (Volga Region) (Ol'ga Senatova, Aleksandr Kassimov, Vladimir Gel 'man and Sergei Ryzhenkov) -- Russia's Palermo in the Far East: Politics and Economics in Primorskii Krai (Peter Kirkow) -- A Search for Place and Time: Siberia between Russia and Moscow (Mikhail Rozhanskii) -- North Caucasus (Ol'ga Vasil'eva) -- A Qualitative Analysis of the Situation in the Donbass (Grigorii Nemir'ya) -- Régionalisation, Fédéralisation and Separatism in Ukraine: Historical Roots, New Realities and Prospects {Nikolai Shul 'ga). Volume III: Emerging Societal Actors - Economic, Social and Political Interests. Theories, Methods and Case Studies. Inhalt: Criteria to Distinguish Elite Groups in Contemporary Russia (Oleg Vite) -- On the Problem of Elites in the Former USSR: Criteria and Approaches (Vladimir Gel'man) -- Regions and Regional Elites in the Russian Federation: A New Ruling Class (Sergei Pavlenko) -- Russian Economic Elites: A Group Portrait Anno 1994 (Yakov Pappe) -- 'Interest Groups' in Present Day Russia and Their Role in the Political Process (Vladimir Lepekhin) -- Lobbyism in Russia: Stages of a Long Road (RSPP Expert Institute) -- Evaluating Administrative Weights in the Hierarchies of Power (Simon Kordonskii) -- Authority Groups: Stabilisers and Chaots (Mikhail Malyutin) -- Questionnaires of the Elite Surveys (Klaus Segbers and Stephan De Spiegeleire) -- Elites in Ukraine: Evaluation of the Project's Elite Survey (Evgenii Golovakha) -- Elite Groups in the Republic of Belarus: Interpretation of the Expert Analysis (Leonid Zaiko) -- Changes in Levels of Influence among Elite Groups in Russia between 1980 and 2000 (Oleg Vite) -- Corporate Groups of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in the Production Sphere (Production Capital) (Vladimir Chervyakov and Vladimir Berezovskii) -- Sectoral Production Capital: Military-Industrial Complex and Fuel and Energy Complex {Vladimir Berezovskii and Vladimir Chervyakov) -- Fuel and Energy Complex Elites in the Political Economy of Contemporary Russia (Yakov Pappe) -- The State of the Fuel and Energy Complex and the Political Situation in Russia's Regions (Vladimir Kolossov, Aleksei Krindach andRostislav Turovskii) -- The Geography of Russia's Military-Industrial Complex (Jl'ya Shkabara) -- Power Structures in Russia, Anno 1994 (Mikhail Malyutiri) -- Russia's Illegal Structures (Ol'ga Kryshtanovskaya) -- Criminological Components of the Current Social Dynamics in Russia (Igor' Sundiev) -- Cossacks as a Factor in Russia's Nation-Wide and Regional Political Economy: Myths and Reality (Mikhail Malyutiri) -- The System of Interest Representation in the Republic of Belarus (Ol'ga Zagorul'skayd) -- Political Actors and Channels of Interest Articulation in the Republic of Belarus (Irina Bugrova). Volume IV: The Emancipation of Society as a Reaction to Systemic Change: Survival, Adaptation to New Ruls and Ethnopolitical Conflicts. Inhalt: Ukraine's Population under Conditions of Socio-Economic Crisis: Psychological State and Factors of Survival (Evgenii Golovakha and Natal 'ya Panina) -- Poverty in Modern Russia: Strategies of Survival and Strategies of Research ( Viktor Voronkov) -- Social and Geographical Analysis of the Flow and Territorial Distribution of Refugees and Migrants in Russia {Vladimir Kozlov) -- Social Stratification of Belarussian Society: Situation and Tendencies of Development {Anatolii Makarov) -- Do 'Russians' Exist as an Ethnic Community? {Viktor Voronkov) -- Self-Help Initiatives: Forces of Self-Healing within Russian Society? {Frank Fabel) -- Interethnic Relations and Ethnic Tolerance in Ukraine. An In-Depth Analytical Report {Natal 'ya Panina) -- Ethnic Areas in Modern Russia: A Comparative Analysis of Ethno-Political Risk {Vladimir Kolossov and Andrei Treivish) -- Present-Day National and Inter-Ethnic Relations in the Republic of Belarus {Igor ' Chakvin and Tadeush Novogrodskii). ISBN 3789040428