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20.00 EUR
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Verkauf durch:
Fundus-Online GbR
Daniel Borkert/Gilbert Schwarz/Urban Zerfaß
Kurfürstenstr. 14
10785 Berlin
Ja (Weitere Details)
Büchersendung / 1 Buch / book
1 - 3 Werktage
306 S. ; kart.
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Hawthorne's Romantic Secularism -- Hawthorne's Literary Ethics -- Hawthorne's Providential Fictions -- THE PLURALISTIC ETHICS OF READING -- IN HAWTHORNE'S EARLY TALES -- Providential Aesthetics and Secular Ethics -- Pluralizing Exemplary History -- in "Roger Malvin's Burial" (1832) -- Dialogic Responsibility in "The Gentle Boy" (1832) -- Postsecular Allegory -- in "The Minister's Black Veil" (1836) -- THE ETHICS OF AUTHORSHIP -- IN HAWTHORNE'S LATER TALES -- The Ethics of Authoring in Hawthorne's Minor Tales Revisions of Romantic Expressivism -- in "The Birth-Mark" (1843) -- Authoring and Fragmentation -- in "The Artist of the Beautiful" (1844) -- Hawthorne's Prefaces: The Custom-House -- as Secular Moral Space -- INVENTING THE MODERN SOCIAL IMAGINARY IN THE SCARLET LETTER (1850) -- Providential Portents and Narrative Ethics -- Secularity and the Politics of Hester's Return -- Providence, Education, and the Minister's Plea -- The Paradox of Secular Piety -- PROVIDENTIAL JUSTICE AND POLITICAL ECONOMY IN THE HOUSE OF THE SEVEN GABLES (1851) -- Providentialist Morality and the Clerical Economists -- Economic and Providential Justice -- Hepzibah in the Marketplace -- PROVIDENCE AND COMMUNITY: -- THE BLITHEDALE ROMANCE (1852) -- Authorship and Isolation -- Religious Philanthropy and Secular Sociality -- Zenobia's Feminist Critique of Society and Religion -- Coverdale's Esoteric Secularism -- CONCLUSION -- BIBLIOGRAPHY -- Note on the Texts -- Primary Sources -- Secondary Sources. ISBN 9783506769688