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Antiquariat Urban Zerfaß
Urban Zerfaß
Johann-Georg-Str. 25
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1 - 4 Werktage
Sonderabdruck aus der Psychiatrisch-Neurologischen Wochenschrift. XVI. Jahrgang Nr. 10 (vom 6. Juni 1914).4°, 1 Doppelbatt (vier Seiten). Rechts oben mit handschriftlicher "Vom Verf.", sehr seltener Separatabdruck der frühen Arbeit. Mittelfalte, geringe Gebrauchsspuren. Oberholzer became friends with Hermann Rorschach and helped in developing the shape interpretation test; he continued work on the test and was considered one of its best interpreters. Most of his writing was devoted to the Rorschach test and its interpretation. As a member of the Zürich group, which was part of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), he gave a presentation on November 3, 1911, on dream analysis.
After an initial analysis with Oskar Pfister, he began analysis with Freud in June 1913 and remained faithful to Freud following Carl G. Jung's defection. With his wife, Mira Ginzburg (1887-1949), a physician who was also analyzed by Freud, and Oskar Pfister, he created the Swiss Society for Psychoanalysis on March 21, 1919, and became its first president, a position he held until 1928.He is important because he was the first person in Zürich, in fact the first person in German-speaking Switzerland, to be analyzed in the Freudian manner, with several weekly sessions over a period of several years. He published relatively little on psychoanalysis, aside from two case studies of children (1922).
Kaspar Weber:
"At the end of 1927 Oberholzer tried to resolve the conflict that had been developing within the Swiss Society for Psychoanalysis "because of analyses that had been enthusiastically shortened" (letter from Freud to Pfister, February 17, 1928) by Oskar Pfister. Because there was some confusion between Pfister's specific problem and the more general problem of "lay analysis," the SchweizerischeÄrztegesellschaft für Psychoanalyse (Swiss Medical Society for Psychoanalysis), which he created in 1928, was not accepted into the IPA and was dissolved after a few years.
On March 25, 1938, Oberholzer emigrated to the United States, and escaped the threat of Nazi Germany, primarily out of concern for his Jewish wife and his son. The couple practiced psychoanalysis in New York (they were not licensed to practice there as physicians). After his wife's death in 1949, Oberholzer became increasingly isolated and died in 1958 after suffering for many years from diabetes."