
Zus. 450 S. Broschiert.


Gebraucht, aber sehr gut erhalten. - ISSN 0165-0106. - 3 Hefte (= kompletter Jahrgang). - Publisher's Notice -- JOHN FORGE / Theoretical Functions in Physical Science ; -- MARTIN BUNZL / A Causal Model for Causal Priority -- MENACHEM FISCH / Hempel's Ravens, the Natural Classification of Hypotheses and the Growth of Knowledge -- THEO A. F. KUIPERS / Two Types of Inductive Analogy by Similarity -- Review: -- Edward M. MacKinnon, Scientific Explanation and Atomic Physics (JAMES T. CUSHING) -- Books Received Announcements // MARIO BUNGE / Philosophical Problems in Linguistics -- JONATHAN L. KVANVIG / What Is Wrong with Minimal Foundationalism? -- ROD BERTOLET/Ona Fictional Ellipsis TAKASHI YAGISAWA / Proper Names as Variables -- PETER 0HRSTR0M / Anselm, Ockham and Leibniz on Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom -- Review: -- Peter Bieri (Hrsg.), Analytische Philosophie des Geistes (ANDREAS KEMMERLING) // JAMES WOODWARD / A Theory of Singular Causal Explanation GEORGE N. SCHLESINGER / Possibilities and Fallibilism COLIN HOWSON / Probabilities, Propensities, and Chances PAUL WEIRICH / Interpersonal Utility in Principles of Social Choice ERNST w. HÄNDLER / Measurement of Preference and Utility LARS BERGSTRÖM / Underdetermination and Realism MARTIN BUNZL / Causal Factuals -- ELISABETH STRÖKER / Konventionalistische Argumente in Poppers Wissenschaftsphilosophie -- CRAIG DILWORTH / On Theoretical Terms -- Reviews: -- Richard Rorty, Consequences of Pragmatism (CATHERINE Z. ELGIN) -- Larry Laudan, Science and Hypothesis (ANDREW LUGG) -- K. D. Knorr-Cetina and A. V. Cicourel (eds.), Advances in Social Theory and Methodology: Toward an Integration of Micro- and Macrosociologies (STEVE FULLER) -- Books Received.