
196 S. : Ill. ; kart.


Neuwertig. - Introduction -- Angek Esterhammer (Zurich) -- Performing Identities in Byron and Bourdieu -- Adrian Pablé (Hong Kong) and Marc Haas (Oxford) Essentialism, Codification and the Sociolinguistics of Identity -- Alexa Weik (Fribourg) -- From the Great Plains to the Red Apple Country: Identity and -- Ecology in Zitkala-Sa's American Indian Stories -- Céline Guignard (Fribourg) -- Recovering and Reshaping a Lost Identity: The Gaels' Linguistic -- and Literary Struggle -- Kellie Gonçalves (Bern) -- Negotiating Identities and Doing Swiss in Intercultural Couples -- Amit Chaudhuri (East Anglia) -- Ray and Ghatak and Other Filmmaking Pairs: the Structure of -- Asian Modernity -- Michael Dobson (London) -- Falstaff in Switzerland, Hamlet in Bavaria: Expatriate Shakespeare -- and the Question of Cultural Transmission -- Nikolas Coupland (Cardiff) -- Language, Ideology, Media and Social Change -- Barbara Straumann (Zurich) -- "There are many that I can be": The Poetics of Self-Performance -- in Isak Dinesen's "The Dreamers" Brook Bolander (Basel) and Miriam Locher (Basel) Constructing Identity on Facebook: Report on a Pilot Study. ISBN 9783823366133