
1727. With 10 frontispieces + 1 titleplate + 22 engravings in the text + 5 folded maps + 8 portraits + 10 genealogical tables + 1 chronological table Leather. 4to. (VIII), (XXXVI), (IV), 525, (2), (IV), 538, (IV), 506, (IV), 557, (IV), 471, (IV), 496, (IV), 632, (IV), (X), (II), 724, (IV), 584, (IV), (XVI), 511, (232) pp. *top spine volume 1 lacks a small piece of leather + a small hole in the back; back slightly damaged; pages 420-525 small wormholes (without loss of text, frontcover volume 3 slightly damaged, back volumes 5, 7 and 10 slightly damaged*


Volume 1: Contenant ce qui s'est passé depuis l'invasion de Jule Cesar jusqu' à la conquête de Normans, Volume 2: (...) depuis Guillaume le Conquerant, jusqu' à la fin du régne de Henri III, Volume 3: (...) depuis le commencement du regne d' Edouard I. jusqu' à la fin du regne de Henri V, Volume 4: (...) depuis le commecement du regne du Henri VI. jusqu' à la fin du regne de Henri VII, Volume 5: Contenant le régne de Henri VIII, Volume 6: (...) les régnes d' Edouard VI, de Marie & d' Elisabeth, Volume 7: (...) le regne de Jacques I. & les quinze premieres années du regne de Charles I, Volume 8: (...) les derniers années du regne de Charles I, Volume 9: (...) l'interregne depuis la mort de Charles I. jusqu'au rétablissemet de Charles II., & le regne de Charles II, Volume 10: (...) le regne de Jacques II., & l'avenement de Guillaume III. & le Marie à la couronne. 'Paul de Rapin, 1661-1725) was educated at the protestant academy of Saumur, and in 1679 he became an advocate, but soon afterwards joined the army. The revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, and the death of his father led him to come to England. From there he went to the Netherlands where he enlisted in a company of French volunteers at Utrecht. He accompanied Willem III to England in 1688, and during the Williamite war in Ireland he took part in the siege of Carrickfergus and the Battle of Boyne, and was wounded at the Siege of Limerick (1690). He resigned in 1693 in order to become tutor to the Earl of Portland's son. After travelling with the boy, he settled with his family in Holland, first at the Hague, then, to save money, at Wesel, in 1707; there he began his great work L'Histoire d' Angleterre. Rapin's history of England was almost the only one available in France in the first half of the 18th century'. Wikipedia.