
With two folding plates, 2 portraits + 11 plates. Halfleather. 12mo (XX), 407, (IV), 432 pp. *top and bottom spines damaged, original cased binding slightly rubbed, piece of endpaper volume 1 is missing otherwise good condition*


Map Gallia antiqua handcoloured. Portraits of Caesar and Pompeius.'Caesar (Gaius Iulius Caesar); 100-44 v.C.), Roman general en statesman. He wrote about his campaigns in Gaul: 'Commentario de bello Gallico' in 7 books, covering the years 58-52. Hirtius (died 43), commander under Caesar and his confidant, added book 8, covering the years 51-50. In the posthumous published (not finished) 3 books 'Commentarii de bello civili' Caesar describes the battle against Pompeius in the years 49-48. Unknown authors wrote in connection to Caesars work about the further events: 'Bellum Alexandrinum', 48-47 (Hirtius?), 'Bellum Africanum', 47-46 and 'Bellum Hispaniense', 45'. Especially the last two works are still very important historical sources (...)'. P. de Rynck en A. Welkenhuysen. De Oudheid in het Nederlands. Baarn, 1992, p. 126-27