
Repraesentata tabulis geographicis V. Et commentario in loca omnia, hoc tractu, Romanis scriptoribus et monumentis, qua Latinis, qua Graecis, memorata; A.C. Julio Caesare, ad Justinianum Aug. Cuncta, ad litterarum ordinem, sic digesta, ut ipse commentarius sit tabularum quasi index, ex quo depromtu facillimum, quae lector desiderare poterit. Tabula Ptolemaica Germaniae magnae quadripartitae, ad veram ab aequatore distantiam revocata, et expsitione succinctâ illustrata. Descriptio Frisiae inter Scaldis portum veterem et Amisiam, seu inter Sine et Emese: secundum medii aevi scriptores. Quae est pars altera a notitiae Germaniae inferioris, cis et ultra Rhenum, qua hodie est in dicione VII-Foederatorum, repraesentata tabulis geographicis IX. Et commentario in loca fere omnia, hoc tractu, Germanicarum et Francicarum rerum scriptoribus, ac medii aevi monumentis, memorata; ab emanciptione Francorum, Imp. Justiniano ad XIII. seculi finem. Cuncta, ad litterarum ordinem, sic digesta, ut ipse commentarius sit tabularum quais index, ex quo depromtu facillimum, quae lector desidare poterit. 2 parts in 1 volume.. 1701. Engraved titlepage + 15 folding maps + 3 engravings in the text + 1 engraving with family tree. Leather binding. Folio. (XXII), 132, (16), (IV), 18, (2), (XXXII), 216, (40) pp. *small peace of leather at the bottom of spine is missing; upper side spine slightly damaged; sides somewhat rubbed and a little bit damaged; edges sides bumped; some foxing; otherwise good condition


Decorated spine with title shield. Titlepage engraved by J. Goerée. 5 folding maps engraved by J. and C. Luyken, 1 folding map by J. Goerée. The 9 folding maps in the second part are engraved by Gerard de Broen. 'Menso Alting, Emden, 2 augustus 1636 - Groningen, 2 augustus 1712. Menso Alting is the son of Henricus Alting. In 1652 Alting signed up at the university of Groningen. After his study he became secretary and functionary at Selwert and later judge at Sappemeer. Finally he was from 1686 till 1712 mayor of Groningen'. E.O.G. Haitsma Mulier. G.A.C. van der Lem. Repertorium van geschiedschrijvers in Nederland. Den Haag, 1990, 12. Van der Aa, 1, 223-224. NNBW, 1, 100. Van Eeghen/Van de Kellen, 294